Ethics Tip Hotline: Great for the City and Open for Business – So Let’s Give It a Name 

Ethics Tip Hotline: Great for the City and Open for Business – So Let’s Give It a Name 

The Inspector General Division (IGD), the watchdog for ethics in city government, has been receiving complaints using a 24/7 confidential hotline since opening in 2022. The hotline is run by a third party to ensure confidentiality of the tip and anonymity for the reporter.

Every complaint made through the hotline is reviewed by the IGD’s investigators. Most complaints come to the IGD via this hotline through three pathways, calling 877-860-1061, via the weblink, or via the QR code.  

To promote the hotline and produce a name for it, the IGD is having a hotline naming contest. The hotline naming contest is running through October 18, 2023. The five guidelines for this hotline naming contest are that entries be: clear, clever, concise, clean, and copyright-free.

To prime your creative pump: here are a few key words associated with the IGD: Code of Ethics, 12A, conflicts of interest, prevention, fraud, waste, abuse, corruption, misconduct, investigation, hearing, sanctions, right, wrong, morals, behavior, duty, purpose, principle, standards, confidentiality, anonymous, benefit, conflict, and violations. 

Submissions can be made by email to [email protected]. Remember, the deadline is close of business October 18. The winning entry will be announced during Ethics Week in November and will receive a prize at that event – the coveted Ethics Cup, an ethics themed coffee cup, reminding all of us to stay alert! 

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